Monday, March 8

Traits of Effective Leaders

One of my goals is be more organized and active on this site. Hopefully, that will make it more useful for those who are interested in its contents and easier for me to prepare posts. My intention is have a different topic for each day of the week. I won't promise that they this will happen every week. Much of it will be based on schedule, travel, and if I have anything I feel is valuable to say. But, as of now, here is how I picture the schedule:

Monday - Leadership Thoughts
Tuesday - Misc. Thoughts
Wednesday - "Ask Mike" Thoughts
Thursday - Campus Ministry Thoughts
Friday - Spiritual Formation Thoughts
Weekend - Track and Field Thoughts

I will also add this disclaimer: I don't intend to re-invent the wheel. If others have written or posted information that I feel can express and idea better than I can, I will point you to them. Hence, today's post.

Michael Hyatt is CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishing. He is an active blogger and tweeter (@MichaelHyatt) and shares a lot of valuable information on productivity and leadership. He recently posted an article on "Five Marks of Authentic Leadership" that was very good. Those marks:


Which of these marks do you feel is the most valuable? The most needed today? Where have you seen one or more of these marks demonstrated by a leader you respect?

1 comment: said...

I think you give very useful advice. Everybody wants to be a leader! writing service is a website of knowledge that can give you official support.